
Nyhavn 51:

The house was build in the year 1766 and has a stoneslate with a lamb over the door, because the house originally was named "the Lamb in Nyhavn".

The letters on the slate stand for Henrik Lambertsen Engel and his wife Karen Nielsdatter Holm.

Lambertsen was one of Copenhagens many beerbrewers. The cellar pub " Det Gyldne Lam" (the Golden Lamb) and Teddys Pub on the first floor, layed here once.

Teddys Pub was named after the owner Teddy Barrit, who came from Asia and served delicious malay-curry dishes.

Today the Italian restaurant La Sirène uses the house.


Kilde."Nyhavn, en havn gennem 325 år" af Allan Mylius Thomsen

Did you know that...

The movie "Nyhavns glade gutter" (The Happy Lads of Nyhavn) is recorded in the basement rooms in Restaurant La Sirène and premiered in Saga 24. November, 1967. It also goes under the name "Onkel Joakims hemmelighed" (Uncle Joakim's secret).

In short it is about a tavern called Trinidad, which will be the subject of a lot of complications, because an underhand businessman wants to buy it, but Joakim, who is the owner, does not want to sell. When Joakim dies, the niece inherits the tavern and again there are some dubious people who want to take over, but Joakim's 'happy lads', the stem customers, take action and make sure that the niece remains the owner of Trinidad.

The film stars:
Dirch Passer, Ove Sprogøe, among others, Karl Stegger, Preben Kaas, Bodil Udsen, Poul Bundgaard, Paul Hagen, Vivi Bak and others.

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